Welcome to the epesi forum,
This forum is created for a community of EPESI users to share information, ask questions, report problems and doing so help us shape this application and underlying framework. Please be reasonable, polite and patient - sometimes we are researching or investigating the problem trying to reproduce it - before we answer - and this can take time...
There are some basic rules which, I believe, are rather obvious to most of you, but to avoid unnecessary confusion we will list two most important of them here.
1. The language of this forum is English for the main board and respective language for each subboard. If you are going to post anything in different than target language for given section of the board please be aware we will most likely move or delete your post.
2. We will not hesitate to moderate or remove any offensive post or spam.
Also, due to an increased activity of spambots and spammers on our forums, we have enabled a feature that will require newly registered users to have their first posts approved by a moderator. After the first post is approved, the user gains regular posting rights, will all following posts being visible right away without approval.
We're checking the boards on daily basis, you can expect the approval process to take no longer than 24 hours.
Kind regards,