[size=109:1iyqphrw]General questions:[/size:1iyqphrw]
Q: What is epesi framework?
A: Epesi is a lightweight PHP/AJAX based framework for development of database driven web applications.
Q: What epesi stands for?
A: It means quick in swahili (also light and easy). It was chosen to emphasize that the framework is light and quick and new modules are easy to create.
Q: What ajax library are you using?
A: Epesi is based on Prototype. To find more information about Prototype you can visit this page.
Q: Why is this project an open source project?
A: We believe that by making the code public we will get a chance to significantly improve the framework's quality.
Q: What advantages does epesi have over other frameworks?
A: The framework is designed to use all the advantages ajax technology provides and allows very easy and efficient coding of additional modules and themes. It supports different database systems (via ADOdb) and multiple languages.
Q: What type of license is epesi using?
A: Epesi is licensed under MIT License
Q: Where can I find epesi development documentation?
A: We are en route to place full epesi documentation on epesi wiki at http://www.epesi.org.
Q: Do I need to install epesi on my machine to see how it looks and feels?
A: No, there is no need to install epesi to get the feeling of epesi. You can try it out at http://www.epesibim.com/freetrial.
Q: Where can I find epesi download page?
A: You can download epesi from SourceForge. Here you can find all available releases.
Q: I have downloaded the framework, but I have problems installing it. What should I do?
A: You may find your problem already described here. In case you can't find a suitable solution on that board, please post any information you may provide concerning your problem in a new thread.
[size=109:1iyqphrw]Development issues:[/size:1iyqphrw]
Q: I have found a bug in epesi code/mistake on epesi wiki pages. How can I submit changes?
A: Although you cannot submit any changes directly to epesi, we'd be pleased if you share any information concerning this issue on Bug reports board.
Q: I want to create my own module. What should I do?
A: Here you can find tutorial that will make you familiar with epesi framework step by step.
Q: I've encountered a problem while creating a module and I cannot find any suitable solution. Where can I find further help?
A: On our forum, there is a dedicated board for problems concerning custom modules - please post you question there.
Our team is monitoring this forum and your questions will be answered as soon as possible. Please note that you may be in a different time zone. Our team members are located in Poland and USA.