Attempting to build pages which are for sort of reports-centric, I've tried following the RB wiki documentation but got a bit stuck since it's not complete.
Getting the records is somewhat straight-forward, although once it's received, how do I display them?
My current and un-complete code is as follows which I put in the body() of the module:
$record_set = "insurance_polisa";
$crits = array('polisa_type'=>'Car');
$records = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_records($record_set, $crits = array(), $cols = array(), $order = array(),
$limit = array(), $admin = false);
$polisaRecords = array('polisa_id');
foreach($records as $rec) {
$polisaRecords['polisa_id'] = $rec['polisa_id'];
//how to display all $polisaRecords's now?