Am trying to install the latest version of Epesi on my computer to test.
Computer is Win7 64bit
MySQL is mysql-essential-5.1.53-winx64 (64bit)
PHP is php-5.3.4-Win32-VC9-x86.msi (32 bit version)
Using IIS 7.5.7600.16385
The Session expired, restarting epesi comes just after the database was created. The database has been created as I checked this using MySQL workbench.
However before I even got to that point i had to define EPESI_DIR in the config.php
Path on PC is c:/inetpub/wwwroot/epesi
can access it in browser with localhost/epesi or
I deleted the data subdiretcory and recreated it with correct permissions but to no avail. Also deleted the database etc to ensure a clean start.