So I am trying to beta test this software on a shared linux server with on php 5.0 so on and so forth and the installtion goes through just fine other then an htaccess error i keep getting. Which i will post below.
Options -Indexes
php_value memory_limit "64M"
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
#SecFilterEngine Off
It says my server settings don't match the default htaccess file of epesi , but thats not the biggest issue. I can get it to install just fine. but when I go to add an applet by simple selecting add applet , and I am trying to add the Contacts applet , it shows me all these errors below? Everytime. and I have re-installed on 2 different host atleast 15 times with 3 different web browsers. And everytime i get this error and then it won't do anything after this.
If i do not mess with the contacts applet it works fine. However that kinda defeats the purpose? I have used this software before and last time it work just fine and how no issues with anything. But how do i resolve this problem?
ype: 8
Message: Undefined offset: 141
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/data/cache/common.php
error backtrace:
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/data/cache/common.php
line 7839
function called: handle_epesi_error(8, "Undefined offset: 141", "/home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/data/cache/common.php", 7839, Array (#17))
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/modules/Utils/RecordBrowser/RecordBrowser_0.php
line 2197
function called: cut_string("John Hoffer", 15)
[PHP core called function]
function called: mini_view(Array (Array (#3), Array (#3), Array (#3)), Array (1), Array ("ASC", "ASC", "ASC"), Array ("CRM_ContactsCommon", "applet_info_format"), 15, Array (true, false, true, false, false, "fav"), Array ("Contacts", true, null, 1, "body", Array (#0), Array (#0), Array (#1), "6"))
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/include/module.php
line 793
function called: call_user_func_array(Array (Object (Utils_RecordBrowser), "mini_view"), Array (Array (#3), Array (#1), Array (#3), Array (#2), 15, Array (#6), "Array (\"Contacts\", true, null, 1, \"body\", Array (#0), Array (#0), Array (#1), \"6\")"))
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/include/module.php
line 713
function called: get_html_of_module(Object (Utils_RecordBrowser), Array (Array (#3), Array (#1), Array (#3), Array (#2), 15, Array (#6), "\"Array (\\"Contacts\\", true, null, 1, \\"body\\", Array (#0), Array (#0), Array (#1), \\"6\\")\""), "mini_view")
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/modules/CRM/Contacts/Contacts_0.php
line 39
function called: display_module("Object (Utils_RecordBrowser)", Array (Array (#3), Array (#1), Array (#3), Array (#2), 15, Array (#6), "\"\\"Array (\\\"Contacts\\\", true, null, 1, \\\"body\\\", Array (#0), Array (#0), Array (#1), \\\"6\\\")\\"\""), "mini_view")
[PHP core called function]
function called: applet(Array (true, false, true, false, false, "fav"), "\"\\"\\\"Array (\\\\"Contacts\\\\", true, null, 1, \\\\"body\\\\", Array (#0), Array (#0), Array (#1), \\\\"6\\\\")\\\"\\"\"", "6")
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/include/module.php
line 793
function called: call_user_func_array(Array (Object (CRM_Contacts), "applet"), Array (Array (#6), "\"\\"\\\"\\\\"Array (\\\\\"Contacts\\\\\", true, null, 1, \\\\\"body\\\\\", Array (#0), Array (#0), Array (#1), \\\\\"6\\\\\")\\\\"\\\"\\"\"", "6"))
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/modules/Base/Dashboard/Dashboard_0.php
line 108
function called: get_html_of_module(Object (CRM_Contacts), Array (Array (#6), "\"\\"\\\"\\\\"\\\\\"Array (\\\\\\"Contacts\\\\\\", true, null, 1, \\\\\\"body\\\\\\", Array (#0), Array (#0), Array (#1), \\\\\\"6\\\\\\")\\\\\"\\\\"\\\"\\"\"", "6"), "applet")
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/modules/Base/Dashboard/Dashboard_0.php
line 64
function called: display_dashboard("1")
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/modules/Base/Dashboard/Dashboard_0.php
line 27
function called: dashboard()
[PHP core called function]
function called: body()
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/include/module.php
line 793
function called: call_user_func_array(Array (Object (Base_Dashboard), "body"), Array ())
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/include/module.php
line 713
function called: get_html_of_module(Object (Base_Dashboard), null, null)
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/modules/Base/Box/Box_0.php
line 148
function called: display_module("Object (Base_Dashboard)")
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/include/epesi.php
line 196
function called: body()
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/include/epesi.php
line 252
function called: go(Object (Base_Box))
File: /home/content/61/7027561/html/crm/process.php
line 32
function called: process("Base_HomePage_load=1", false)