thanks your answering
1. send sms is good by ozeki but this is word only if epesi can 1 menu and panel for this config we can easy edit web sms seting (example : mail )and this link
or you have this if add mail and sms here very good
2.I work asterisk but love epesi can have voip
3. for attach note we have go to notes panel but if you add local link user menu and this menu open by windows browser by my computer i think must change http this code
public static function display_webaddress($record, $nolink, $desc) {
$v = $record[$desc['id']];
if ($nolink) return $v;
$v = trim($v, ' ');
if ($v=='') return '';
if (strpos(strtolower($v), 'http://')===false &&
strpos(strtolower($v), 'https://')===false &&
$v) $v = 'http://'.$v;
return '<a href="'.$v.'" target="_blank">'.$v.'</a>';
to this code
public static function display_webaddress($record, $nolink, $desc) {
$v = $record[$desc['id']];
if ($nolink) return $v;
$v = trim($v, ' ');
if ($v=='') return '';
if (strpos(strtolower($v), 'file://')===false &&
strpos(strtolower($v), 'file://')===false &&
$v) $v = 'file://'.$v;
return '<a href="'.$v.'" target="_blank">'.$v.'</a>';
but this code don't work
4. thanks but i cannot good config Roundcube please send me manual (for work by mail and Roundcube by epesi)
5.thanks i must see and work but if ( Iadd 1 ,2 ,3 Sales Representative
and 1 admin all Representative can add and edit and see only their customer and admin can see all customer and edit's)
6. i add jalali date and show all menu and Report plz see this link but example for add event or all data must add epesi data (we only see Reports jalali language )
7.very good if fast build this module . nice
again thanks your answer