Hi Arek:
Thanks for the updated file. I got the installation to work ..... eventually. In addition to the file issue, there were file permission issues with the installation (644) and also the .htaccess file needed to be edited but I finally got through the installation. As a suggestion for other users:
1) Use the module_manager.php file provided here after the easy installer process (or ftp, whichever option you choose).
2) Check to make sure that you have the .htaccess file configured properly. Create a .htaccess file in the appropriate installation directory if one does not exist. The system spits out a recommended file config as shown below.
Options -Indexes
php_value memory_limit 64M
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
SecFilterEngine Off
if you're having difficulty, check your Error Log file to see which of these entries may be creating difficulties. You may need to comment out (#) the individual lines to see if it resolves the problem (depending on your system configuration).
3) Check file permissions. This seemed to be the most prevalent cause of hiccups. Understandably, Group & World File Write permissions tend not to go down well with the installation. My suggestion is using the error log in your server to check the files one at a time. You would have to reset about five or six files to the acceptable permission to get the system to work. Pay attention to the following files:
Hope that helps the community.