[quote="zicrob":398nsv8e]record set[/quote:398nsv8e]A set of records. There are multiple Record Sets in epesi - like companies, contacts, projects, tickets, meetings, etc.
[quote="zicrob":398nsv8e]Code must be up to 16 characters long
Symbol must be up to 8 characters long
Decimal sign must be up to 2 characters long
Thousand sign must be up to 2 characters long[/quote:398nsv8e]
These four strings are to be found in Administrator->Currencies. If you try to add new currency and type more characters than listed here for each field, you'll get an error with respective message. Code is for example USD, symbol $, decimal . and thousand ' , so you get formatting like $ 10'000.00 - ten thousands USD.
[quote="zicrob":398nsv8e]Cat.[/quote:398nsv8e]I guess this comes from Utils_Watchdog? If so, it's short for Category. It's used in applet to label the column that shows what kind of record was changed.
[quote="zicrob":398nsv8e]Called method[/quote:398nsv8e]What method/function is to be called/triggered. It's from addons administration. Every addon is linked to a function in the code, these functions names are displayed in column labeled "Called method".
[quote="zicrob":398nsv8e]Recurrence hash[/quote:398nsv8e]It's a label that shouldn't really be disclosed to user at any point anyway. But to explain - it's a label for the field in Meetings that holds what days of the week should the event occur, if "Customize week" option is selected in recurring type. These are actually labeled "Selected days" - that's the label that is disclosed to the user. We should probably change the name of that field at some point.
[quote="zicrob":398nsv8e]All active[/quote:398nsv8e]It's usually used in filters, on fields like "Status" and means to show all items that are currently active. For instance, active projects have status Approved or In Progress. You can interpret it as in "Show projects: All active".
As for the char errors - I'm looking at the file you attached, fr.php, and in that file I see exactly the string you point out on the screenshots, like Tâches (line 155). But at the same time I see proper Tâches in other place (line 81). This means epesi displays them "properly", exactly as they are in the fr.php, but the encoding in the file itself had some issue and some strings are left with strange characters like that.
If you want to stick to translate using file editor, I'd recommend trying out Programmer's Notepad. I never had any issues with the encoding using that editior.
To solve the problems with the wrong characters - I'd recommend simple search/replace, from what I've see it should do the trick without manually going through all of the string. All you need is to find first occurance of char error in file (like â) and search/replace the whole file with proper character (â in this case).
Hope this helps,