[quote="erwin":16t3ohgu]The phpgw_addressbook have a "category" (cat_id int(8)) field related to a child table where categories are defined. The "category" is used according the contacts' role: suppliers and clients of different domains of industries. I wonder if the groups table in epesi can be used to filter contacts in the same manner they are usual in phpgroupware? Or, there is another table for that?[/quote:16t3ohgu]
Yes, you can use the field "group" to store that data. Alternatively, you can create new commondata field (using epesi Administrator panel). Either way, the commondata table referenced must be populated with all the possible key/value combinations, using values cat_id references to. You can do that manually or if there are too many of them, I can provide SQL code to perform this action in epesi.
[quote="erwin":16t3ohgu]The phpgw_addressbook have a child table, phpgw_addressbook_extra with the following structure:
*contact_id int(8)
contact_owner int(8)
contact_name varchar(256)
contact_value text
The informations are values of some custom fields or addressbook fields, many of them seems to be more telephone numbers related to the same contact_id. I wonder what is the best way to import this extra data in epesi?[/quote:16t3ohgu]
How this can be done strongly depends on how phpgroupware users were using it and what is the purpose of contact_owner field.
As you mentioned, most of them are phone numbers - epesi, by default, has 3 fields per contact to store phone numbers: home, work and mobile phone. You could use these fields to store those numbers.
Alternatively, you can create new fields in epesi to accommodate the values. I guess contact_name is describing what kind of information it is, like Phone, etc? if so, you could group them based on that value and fill in respective field in contact. If there's no field to hold certain type of information, it's possible to crate new one.
I'd start by running query:
SELECT DISTINCT(contact_name) FROM phpgw_addressbook_extra
To see what kind of information users use this table for.
Hope this helps,