To prevent accidental loss of the data from shoutbox (when someone is "exploring" the features), we disabled this feature. If you want to clear the shoutbox, the fastest way is to execute SQL:
DELETE FROM apps_shoutbox_messages
If you want to clear shoutbox more regularly, edit file modules/Apps/Shoutbox/Shoutbox_0.php, lines 15-20, uncomment them removing /* and */. This will bring back the "Clear shoutbox" button for admins, in fullscreen view.
Kind regards,
I choose second option.
In Shoutbox_0.php in lines 15-20 I have:
/* Do not delete anything - all messages are kept in history
// to allow delete by sdmin uncomment below lines
// if i am admin add "clear shoutbox" actionbar button
Base_ActionBarCommon::add('delete','Clear shoutbox',$this->create_callback_href(array($this,'delete_all')));
When I remove /* AND */ i have a error when I refresh epesi:
1) There was an error in one of epesi modules. Details are displayed at the bottom of the page, please send this information to system administrator.
2) fatal: syntax error
What I do wrong?