Welcome to EPESI Bazaar, a board created to host various offers, from both Developers and Customers, to create new, custom solutions based on EPESI.
1. Each thread should be a separate offer describing the job details or qualifications. Please try to avoid posting links in your threads and try to provide at least basic description for your every offer.
2. Please keep the thread updated, if only to note that the offer is still open for the taking. Threads with inactivity for over 2 months will be closed.
3. You are free to communicate and discuss the details of your offer in your thread or if you prefer you can use every other means of communication available (PM, e-mail, Skype), the decision is up to you.
We know there are other services out there that connect Developers with Customers, but we feel developing modules for EPESI is a very specific task to justify creating another place for this exchange, if only to give you one more opportunity to find what you are looking for.
We have plans, in the future, to further streamline the communication between the interested parties, way beyond the ways of the forums.
Disclaimer: Telaxus LLC and each employee individually take no responsibility for accuracy and terms of each of the offers posted on this site. All details regarding work scope, pricing and fulfilling the agreement are up to the interested parties to agree on. We do not take any shares on the transactions arranged through these boards and we will not judge any disputes that may take place here. We will, however, moderate the contents of posts if offensive language is used. Both sides are obliged to work within the applicable laws in respective countries.