Hello again!
We have a home grown contact manager with the standard company and contact fields as well as additional fields and multiple notes. I'm working with the Import Module on a test copy of epesi and was able to create new fields with Administrator -> Record Browser -> Manage Fields and import our contact data. We still need to split up companies and contacts since they are a combined record in our database and upload separate spreadsheets as well as decided which of our custom fields will belong to the company versus the contact.
Copying in Windows from CSV 'comma delimited file' in Excel to the form in epesi brings over a space at the end of the field name for some reason even though it is not in our spreadsheet. This worked find for most fields but a field like "phone1 " with a number and space after did not bring over the data. Removing the spaces fixes this, so hopefully this helps someone in the future or can be fixed in the module.
Following up on
I'm interested in creating a custom import module to import our notes.
Our combined company and contact records have the following fields:
Our secondary notes have the following fields:
The first set of notes are a field in the contact record in our spreadsheet. So each contact and/or company (we'll need to decide this) has one note in a field. Therefore, we can match the note to any of the standard fields for a unique identifier. The best was for us is to use one of our custom fields, clientid, which is unique. Would it be easier to add these notes in separately after importing companies and contacts, or to modify the Import Module to create the notes while importing?
The second set of notes are in another spreadsheet. Each note has a unique id, our clientid (which we would need to use to match to companies/contacts as a unique key), date, and the note field itself. There are multiple notes for single clientid's unlike the previous notes.
I have some experience with PHP and a bit with SQL but they are not my strongest skills. I've worked through the tutorial and am wondering what would be the easiest way to import the 2 sets of notes. Should I modify the Import Module? Include the Import Module in a custom module I create myself? Or directly manipulate the MySQL database with scripts outside of epesi?
Thanks again for your help and suggestions!