I have found the config.php as described and edited with nano. I have added the following line:
* define epesi directory
I now browse to http://localhost/epesi and get a page of what I presume are the 'displaying errors':
Type: 256
Message: mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'epesi.variables' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE("SELECT name,value FROM variables")
File: /var/www/epesi-1.3.0-rev9190/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php
error backtrace:
[PHP core called function]
function called: handle_epesi_error(256, "mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'epesi.variables' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE(\"SELECT name,value FROM variables\") ", "/var/www/epesi-1.3.0-rev9190/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php", 77, Array ("mysqlt", "EXECUTE", 1146, "Table 'epesi.variables' doesn't exist", "SELECT name,value FROM variables", false, Object (ADODB_mysqlt), "SELECT name,value FROM variables", false, "mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'epesi.variables' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE(\"SELECT name,value FROM variables\") "))
File: /var/www/epesi-1.3.0-rev9190/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php
line 77
function called: trigger_error("mysqlt error: [1146: Table 'epesi.variables' doesn't exist] in EXECUTE(\"SELECT name,value FROM variables\") ", 256)
File: /var/www/epesi-1.3.0-rev9190/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1043
function called: ADODB_Error_Handler("mysqlt", "EXECUTE", 1146, "Table 'epesi.variables' doesn't exist", "SELECT name,value FROM variables", false, "Object (ADODB_mysqlt)")
File: /var/www/epesi-1.3.0-rev9190/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1018
function called: _Execute("SELECT name,value FROM variables", false)
File: /var/www/epesi-1.3.0-rev9190/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1392
function called: Execute("SELECT name,value FROM variables", null)
[PHP core called function]
function called: GetAssoc("SELECT name,value FROM variables", null)
File: /var/www/epesi-1.3.0-rev9190/include/database.php
line 460
function called: call_user_func_array(Array (Object (ADODB_mysqlt), "GetAssoc"), Array ("SELECT name,value FROM variables", null))
File: /var/www/epesi-1.3.0-rev9190/include/variables.php
line 18
function called: GetAssoc("SELECT name,value FROM variables")
File: /var/www/epesi-1.3.0-rev9190/include/variables.php
line 23
function called: load()
File: /var/www/epesi-1.3.0-rev9190/index.php
line 35
function called: get("version")
I hope that this means something to you.