Just to be sure you can always perform a clean-up update. Sometimes files are removed, but if you just extract a new release package they stay on the drive. However your issue shouldn't be related to the left over files.
Just FIY. If you don't have a lot of custom modifications you can do:
1. Extract release package,
2. Replace release /data dir with the /data dir from previous installation
3. Copy all Custom/Premium modules from the previous installation to the release.
4. Put release it in the place of the old installation.
5. Apply proper permissions.
Your issue is known to me and it's related to EPESI plugins for Roundcube. Please check file: modules/CRM/Roundcube/RC/config/main.inc.php.
It should be 38092 bytes size (if you haven't used FTP in the text mode to transfer it)
and it should start with (where the most important lines are SET_SESSION and include/session):
$d = getcwd();
defined("_VALID_ACCESS") || define("_VALID_ACCESS", true);
define('SET_SESSION', false); // do not load EPESI session
require_once('include/session.php'); // load to get class in runtime
Is it like this?
And it would be nice if you could post the stack trace of the issue if it's shown.
And yes, your issues and several times update/going back may cause some issues 🙂