I've upgrade succesfully to 1.4.1 but when I want to reinstall my custom Orders module I got this error:
Type: E_WARNING (2)
Message: addcslashes() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
File: /home/burginfa/public_html/atena/modules/Base/Lang/LangCommon_0.php
error backtrace:
[PHP core called function]
function called: handle_epesi_error(2, "addcslashes() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given", "/home/burginfa/public_html/atena/modules/Base/Lang/LangCommon_0.php", 114, Array ("base", "cz", Array (#2), true, ???, "Premium_Orders", Array (#2)))
File: /home/burginfa/public_html/atena/modules/Base/Lang/LangCommon_0.php
line 114
function called: addcslashes(Array ("Příležitost", "Obchodní příležitost"), "\'")
File: /home/burginfa/public_html/atena/modules/Base/Lang/LangCommon_0.php
line 99
function called: append("base", "cz", Array (Array (#2), Array (#6)))
File: /home/burginfa/public_html/atena/modules/Base/Lang/LangCommon_0.php
line 197
function called: append_base("cz", Array (Array (#2), Array (#6)))
File: /home/burginfa/public_html/atena/modules/Premium/Orders/OrdersInstall.php
line 17
function called: install_translations("Premium_Orders")
[PHP core called function]
function called: install()
Solved by erasing the ../Orders/Lang subdirectory.
Best regards,