Unfortunately not from User Interface, but it's simple change in code. You have to be aware that planned(Open) calls also will be in descending order. So last from list will be first to call.
To change sorting order go into your server, into EPESI dir, then into modules/CRM/PhoneCall.
Here edit file PhoneCall_0.php and change line 26 (it should be 26 if you're using latest EPESI 1.4.2)
there is now:
$this->rb->set_default_order(array('status'=>'ASC', 'date_and_time'=>'ASC', 'subject'=>'ASC'));
change it to
$this->rb->set_default_order(array('status'=>'ASC', 'date_and_time'=>'DESC', 'subject'=>'ASC'));
As you can see it simple and rather clean that we are changing here sort order from Ascending to Descending.
After EPESI update you have to change it again.
We are working on some more friendly interface to select columns shown and default order, but it's long way to go.