I'm trying to apply some crits to contact records.
I'm trying to do this where clause: id IN(14,15) OR (company_name IN(5,6) AND group IN('custm','developer') AND email IS NOT NULL AND first_name LIKE '%John%'
These are the crits I used that didn't work
$crits = array('(id'=>array(14,15), '|group'=>array('custm','developer'), 'company_name'=>array(5,6), '"~first_name' => DB::Concat(DB::qstr('%'), DB::qstr('John'), DB::qstr('%')), '!email'=>'');
$crits = array('(|group'=>array('custm','developer'), 'company_name'=>array(5,6), '(id'=>array(14,15), '"~first_name' => DB::Concat(DB::qstr('%'), DB::qstr('John'), DB::qstr('%')), '!email'=>'');
Please help.