for some time I'm strugling with criteria engine in epesi. I found out that it's not compatible with multi-record references.
I'll try to describe what is on my mind.
Let's consider situation of "related companies" reference in "contacts" recordset. Now let's build permission in contacts, in such way:
"view" is permitted for "all users" if "Related Companies" is set to record with "Related Contacts" equal to "User Contact".
In short if user is in related contacts of a company that he is related to, then he has access granted. I know that this particular example has no sense, but in my case I got "Departments" recordset, this has related contacts and companies has "departments". Now I can build criteria that says, if Department Name is set to record with Related Contacts equal to User Contact then allow to "view", "edit" or whatever.
And most interesting thing is what the problem exactly is and when does it appear. When I add only one contact into related contacts of some company, then everything is ok, but when I add more than one contact in there, problem shows up. Then when I go to CRM->contacts I receive blank datatable:

Anyone can help with modification of RecordBrowserCommon check_record_against_crits($tab, $id, $crits) function ??