Hi EPESI Staff,
What do you think about the idea of having a Community base Wiki where the community can upload their own documentation on the Wiki?
We all know that documentation on EPESI is scarce and I would like to know if it helps if we devs can help document it as well?
You guys have been teaching us allot on the forums where you answer our questions, however some quotes or examples from the forums would be really nice on the Wiki so when new people come along, have a scenario that needs to be solved when a detailed example is already on the wiki rather than searching for other people's questions.
I find it more human where if I have a problem, I look for solutions rather than other people's problems :P
Also, if you think this might be the way to go, I am really fond of the [url=http://www.wikia.com/Wikia]http://www.wikia.com/Wikia[/url] interface so its more of a collaboration Wiki.
Anyways I just want to give back the community for all the help you guys have gave us and trying to give you guys ideas