[quote="Jasiek":2vrtn8m1]You need to contact yahoo for that or learn how to use Google search:
http://email.about.com/od/accessingyaho ... ttings.htm[/quote:2vrtn8m1]
Thank for your reply, I have solve the problem in localhost/crm test in wampserver, but when i am trying to create my email in my website crm email, that i have error to come out alert connect imap server fail, please help me to solve this problem.
here is my error file
[17-Jul-2013 06:44:58 +0400]: IMAP Error: Login failed for *****@yahoo.com from ***.***.***.24. Could not connect to imap.mail.yahoo.com:143: Connection timed out in /crm/modules/CRM/Roundcube/RC/program/include/rcube_imap.php on line 191 (GET /crm/modules/CRM/Roundcube/RC/index.php?_autologin_id=3)