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I think this is a very good project and I'm using it everyday.
I've found one day a need to export meetings, activities and phone calls to ical format in order to import it to other software/services, such as Google Calendar.
For that I have developed a script in php that create an ical file to bo imported elsewhere.

To use it you have just to:
- edit it changing database location, user and password and timezone
- upload it to your Epesi website root
- call it from webbrowser, passing parameters. For example [url=http://crm.epesi.it/ical.php?_employeeid=1&_me=1&_pc=1&_ts=1]http://crm.epesi.it/ical.php?_employeei ... pc=1&_ts=1[/url]

Parameters are:
_employeeid : id of employee for which I want the calendar. Script search between elements to find the id in 'f_employees' column.
_me : if set to 1, script generates entries for meetings
_pc : if set to 1, script generates entries for phonecalls
_ts : if set to 1, script generates entries for tasks

Please report bugs or comments. :mrgreen:

4 days later

Thank you very much Alberto!

This is wonderful. We are in need of this capability. I will begin testing your code this week.

Thanks again, 😃


Thank you Alberto for your contribution. We will review your code and add it - with your permission - to EPESI Store.

Thanks a lot again!

Dear Jasiek,
I developed it as an external component: in fact you have to configure connection to database again in this file.
If you want to change the code in order to integrate it in Epesi easily, please do it and put it in the store! :mrgreen:

Thank you

Just an update:

I've found an error on SELECT statements.
You have to replace

LIKE '%__" . $empId . "__%'


LIKE '%\_\_" . $empId . "\_\_%'

because '_' char is a wildchar for MySQL and means any character.
In order to recognize pattern with '_' you have to escape it using slash. :mrgreen:

Upgraded to version 0.3

- Bugfixes
- added LOCATION parameter, for timezone
- added field DESCRIPTION to event

Hi Zumi,

just going to test it out now, I might make a module out of this script so there is a actual button for the user to click on and then BAM! you got the file with pre-recorded server info from the Admin.

Also I might extend to not only export, but import from a existing ical server so all your calendars will be up-to-date. (accessing the ical port, getting login info from user settings and from there lets see what happens)

I don't know when I will have the time to do this but thanks for starting the project, I hope I can extend it to make it even more awesome 🙂.

Now I may need your assistance since you have more experience with Ical so when I am extending it, may I have your assistance?
Don't worry, once I have extended it, I do plan on giving it to you and the community.


    Hello jjjj12212!
    Please, I'll be very happy to help you developing this project!
    If you need help with ical or other aspect, please tell me and I'll try to help you. :mrgreen:

    5 days later

    Hi Everyone,

    Zumiani and myself have worked together to bring you a iCal Module in the EPESI CRM.

    please go here and try it out to fully utilize the iCal Export.


    Thank you community and I hope we bring you a great add-on to your CRM.

    Lets make EPESI CRM the best CRM.


    2 years later
    3 years later

    Hi there, I know this is from a long tie ago but did you ever get the ical import from google calendars sorted?

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