I think this is a very good project and I'm using it everyday.
I've found one day a need to export meetings, activities and phone calls to ical format in order to import it to other software/services, such as Google Calendar.
For that I have developed a script in php that create an ical file to bo imported elsewhere.
To use it you have just to:
- edit it changing database location, user and password and timezone
- upload it to your Epesi website root
- call it from webbrowser, passing parameters. For example [url=http://crm.epesi.it/ical.php?_employeeid=1&_me=1&_pc=1&_ts=1]http://crm.epesi.it/ical.php?_employeei ... pc=1&_ts=1
Parameters are:
_employeeid : id of employee for which I want the calendar. Script search between elements to find the id in 'f_employees' column.
_me : if set to 1, script generates entries for meetings
_pc : if set to 1, script generates entries for phonecalls
_ts : if set to 1, script generates entries for tasks
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