i explain better (sorry for my bad english)...
...in my database sqm every contact and every companies is identify by an ID number that the system assing automatically...
...in my access database this ID is not "random" but is a specific identify number...
...i have import my access database in epesi and my specific ID has updated the random's one...
...now in the companies and also in contact boards the are all information (name, address, phone, fax, etc..) but not the ID NUMBER (i can only view it pressing at "i" icon on top of Windows)...
....i wanna to create another field to show ID NUMBER in the board...between the field "name" and the field "phone"...how must i create and set this field (integer, common data, float, autonumber, etc.. etc..)???? and i must insert also special string????
tnx a lot...and sorry again for my bad english :-)