If you are having errors when moving a default dashboard tab in the administrator settings and getting the unknown column 'user_login_id' error, you have to edit /modules/Base/Dashboard/Dashboard_0.php file.
Look for the following function in my case it is in line 245:
public function move_tab($id,$old_pos,$dir) {
Look for the following lines:
$new_pos = DB::GetOne('SELECT '.($dir>0?'MIN':'MAX').'(pos) FROM '.$table.' WHERE pos'.($dir>0?'>':'<').'%d AND user_login_id=%s',array($old_pos, Base_AclCommon::get_user()));
$id2 = DB::GetOne('SELECT id FROM '.$table.' WHERE pos=%d AND user_login_id=%s',array($new_pos,Base_AclCommon::get_user()));
and replace it with:
$new_pos = DB::GetOne('SELECT '.($dir>0?'MIN':'MAX').'(pos) FROM '.$table.' WHERE pos'.($dir>0?'>':'<').'%d '.($default_dash?'':'AND user_login_id=%s'),array($old_pos, Base_AclCommon::get_user()));
$id2 = DB::GetOne('SELECT id FROM '.$table.' WHERE pos=%d '.($default_dash?'':'AND user_login_id=%s'),array($new_pos,Base_AclCommon::get_user()));
or just download the attached file and replace your /modules/Base/Dashboard/Dashboard_0.php with it.
The reason for unknown column 'user_login_id' is that base_dashboard_default_tabs table does not have the 'user_login_id' column.