Hey guys, I am just beginning to use EPESI for a business I am starting. I have an idea of what the problem is, just not exactly sure how to fix it. I believe my server does not allow the upload of .htaccess files. I have attached a few screenshots of the errors I have received during installation.
At the beginning of install I get this error stating the host is not compaitible and I should tweak this file myself.. I attempted to manually upload this file via ftp with no luck.
I then received notice of memory limit error.. but attempted to continue with installation.
As I continued, I made it through login and to this area where epesi searches for available modules.. It is here where I remain hung up, and then receive "error 500"
So frankly, I am not sure if it is a .htaccess error or memory limit error.. or if both of these are related problems, and if there is anyway to work around these errors.
Also, sorry for such large images. I just thought this would be the best way to show my problem.