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I have tried over the last 5 days to import contacts without success. I am using open office not excel, and i have tried making headings such as first name and first_name but every time, it fails and says no data to import.

I have read through the instructions a dozen times, but no matter what i do it will not work. Has anyone got a properly formatted excel or open office sheet which i can just add the contact details to test please. I am at my wits end now. Importing data should be so simple, but this is a nightmare. I am testing out the whole thing, before installing onto a clients server, but this import is a nightmare. Can anyone please help, before i go NUTS!!!!!

current maping.jpg


Within a week or two a new Data Import module will be available. It is much more powerful and it will allow data import to any recordset - not only Companies and Contacts. It also makes the import process much easier and has data deduplication option as well.
It will be available as Premium paid module but at a very low cost - about $10 USD - to cover the expense of developing it and future improvements.

Here are some screenshots:
Admin Panel:


Data Import control panel:


Live data preview - before and/or after import with ability to select/deslect records, duplicate records check:

Data-import preview.jpg

Import stats:


Until then you need to follow this guide: http://www.epesi.org/Contact_and_Company_Import
The current tool is very basic but we used it successfully to import both Companies and Contacts, both from Excel and CSV. Working with CSV is better - create and format your list in Open Office but then export to CSV and view it in text editor to make sure that the formatting is correct.

Is it also possible to import contact which are not linked to any company as we have a huge amount of retail customers who call us to place orders and require tech support. If so how do we do that

Yes - it is possible to import just contacts not linked to any company.

Looks like things are moving now, getting some import but there appears to be an error in the module this is what came up i have no idea what is wrong with it

Type: E_USER_ERROR (256)
Message: Argument 0 is not number(%d):
UPDATE user_login SET admin=%d WHERE id=%d
Array ( [0] => Super Administrator [1] => 1 )

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/include/database.php
error backtrace:
[PHP core called function]
function called: handle_epesi_error(256, "Argument 0 is not number(%d):
UPDATE user_login SET admin=%d WHERE id=%d
Array ( [0] => Super Administrator [1] => 1 )
", "/home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/include/database.php", 131, Array ("UPDATE user_login SET admin=%d WHERE id=%d", Array (#2), Array (#5), "UPDATE user_login SET admin=", 0, 2, "%d"))

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/include/database.php
line 131
function called: trigger_error("Argument 0 is not number(%d):
UPDATE user_login SET admin=%d WHERE id=%d
Array ( [0] => Super Administrator [1] => 1 )
", 256)

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/include/database.php
line 338
function called: TypeControl("UPDATE user_login SET admin=%d WHERE id=%d", "Array (#2)")

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/modules/Base/User/UserCommon_0.php
line 48
function called: Execute("UPDATE user_login SET admin=%d WHERE id=%d", Array ("Super Administrator", "1"))

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/modules/CRM/Contacts/ContactsCommon_0.php
line 1110
function called: change_admin("1", "Super Administrator")

[PHP core called function]
function called: submit_contact(Array (#43), "add")

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/modules/Utils/RecordBrowser/RecordBrowserCommon_0.php
line 793
function called: call_user_func(Array ("CRM_ContactsCommon", "submit_contact"), Array (#43), "add")

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/modules/Utils/RecordBrowser/RecordBrowserCommon_0.php
line 815
function called: record_processing("contact", Array (#43), "add")

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/modules/Premium/Import/Import_0.php
line 352
function called: new_record("contact", Array (#37))

[PHP core called function]
function called: upload_contacts("data/Utils_FileUpload/tmp_1393883398.9836.csv", "import test.csv", Array (#14))

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/modules/Utils/FileUpload/FileUpload_0.php
line 158
function called: call_user_func_array(Array (Object (Premium_Import), "upload_contacts"), Array ("data/Utils_FileUpload/tmp_1393883398.9836.csv", "import test.csv", Array (#14)))

[PHP core called function]
function called: submit_parent(Array (#14))

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/modules/Libs/QuickForm/3.2.11/HTML/QuickForm.php
line 1670
function called: call_user_func(Array (Object (Utils_FileUpload), "submit_parent"), Array (#14))

[PHP core called function]
function called: process(Array (Object (Utils_FileUpload), "submit_parent"))

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/modules/Libs/QuickForm/QuickForm_0.php
line 82
function called: call_user_func_array(Array (Object (HTML_QuickForm), "process"), Array (Array (#2)))

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/modules/Utils/FileUpload/FileUpload_0.php
line 143
function called: __call("process", Array (Array (#2)))

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/modules/Utils/FileUpload/FileUpload_0.php
line 143
function called: process(Array (Object (Utils_FileUpload), "submit_parent"))

[PHP core called function]
function called: body(Array (Object (Premium_Import), "upload_contacts"))

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/include/module.php
line 793
function called: call_user_func_array(Array (Object (Utils_FileUpload), "body"), Array (Array (#2)))

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/include/module.php
line 713
function called: get_html_of_module(Object (Utils_FileUpload), Array (Array (#2)), null)

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/modules/Premium/Import/Import_0.php
line 92
function called: display_module("Object (Utils_FileUpload)", Array (Array (#2)))

[PHP core called function]
function called: contacts()

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/modules/Utils/TabbedBrowser/TabbedBrowser_0.php
line 115
function called: call_user_func_array(Array (Object (Premium_Import), "contacts"), Array ())

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/modules/Utils/TabbedBrowser/TabbedBrowser_0.php
line 81
function called: display_contents(Array (1, Array (#2), Array (#0), false), 1)

[PHP core called function]
function called: body()

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/include/module.php
line 793
function called: call_user_func_array(Array (Object (Utils_TabbedBrowser), "body"), Array ())

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/include/module.php
line 713
function called: get_html_of_module(Object (Utils_TabbedBrowser), null, null)

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/modules/Premium/Import/Import_0.php
line 53
function called: display_module("Object (Utils_TabbedBrowser)")

[PHP core called function]
function called: body()

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/include/module.php
line 793
function called: call_user_func_array(Array (Object (Premium_Import), "body"), Array ())

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/include/module.php
line 713
function called: get_html_of_module(Object (Premium_Import), null, null)

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/modules/Base/Box/Box_0.php
line 146
function called: display_module("Object (Premium_Import)")

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/include/epesi.php
line 213
function called: body()

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/include/epesi.php
line 258
function called: go(Object (Base_Box))

File: /home/linweb11/s/surecalltelecoms.co.uk/user/htdocs/epsi/process.php
line 32
function called: process("_qf__libs_qf_aac570f2f8e3f7488de171dafb78c0b8=&submited=0&required=1&cid=0&form_name=libs_qf_aac570f2f8e3f7488de171dafb78c0b8&submit_js=Event.fire(document%2C'e%3Asubmit_form'%2C'libs_qf_aac570f2f8e3f7488de171dafb78c0b8')%3B_chj(%24('libs_qf_aac570f2f8e3f7488de171dafb78c0b8').serialize()%2B'%26__action_module__%3D%252FBase_Box%257C0%252FPremium_Import%257Cmain_0%252FUtils_FileUpload%257Ccc'%2C'Processing%20file...'%2C'')%3B&MAX_FILE_SIZE=20971520&company=&create_companies=1&group=__SEP__custm__SEP__customservice__SEP__employee__SEP__office&create_groups=1&country=GB&zone=&date_format=m%2Fd%2FY&button=Upload&__action_module__=%2FBase_Box%7C0%2FPremium_Import%7Cmain_0%2FUtils_FileUpload%7Ccc", false)


login field is of integer type. Better remove those last columns. It's not so simple to import users. If you'd like to do that you have to prepare your data properly. If your EPESI doesn't have a user and you want to create one, you have to pass "new" as login, otherwise you have to pass id of a user from 'user_login' table. Admin field is also an integer field, where 0 - no admin, 1 - admin, 2 - super admin.


PS. I've edited your post to put error report into 'code' tag

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