Yes you can. You have to create your own module (1) or hack a code (2) and register processing callback (3) to the processing method (4).
1. Create your own dir in modules/Custom/YourName
create necessary module files: YourNameInstall.php and YourNameCommon_0.php. (YourName_0.php is not necessary I think).
Go to wiki to read "how to" or base your code on some simple module.
In the install file put (3a) and put (4) in the Common of the module.
Install module.
2. Create your own dir in modules/Custom/
Create just one file with class. Filename: Callbacks.php, file path: modules/Custom/Callbacks.php, class name: Custom_Callbacks
In the class put (4), and call (3b) from the "Run php command" (aka Epesi Shell) in the /admin tools.
Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::register_processing_callback('contact', array('Custom_YourNameCommon', 'contact_submit'));
Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::register_processing_callback('contact', array('Custom_Callbacks', 'contact_submit'));
public static function contact_submit($data, $mode) {
if ($mode == 'add') {
// do something
return $data;
Other modes available described here:
First option is the better one, because you can recreate your installation and you don't have to remember about registering the method, because install file does it for you.