Thanks for the email
I copied the old licence key you sent me into my latest EPESI installation and then I could install all the modules including the ones we had bought last year 🙂
I then tried to import the .csv that we had created when we exported the Company and Contacts last year, I tried importing the company_export .csv file first, and waited and waited but nothing happened, was still processing after a few hours. I had assumed that a file exported by EPESI could be just imported but maybe not...
The exported Company file contains the record names pasted below in the first row. The first row Record ID starts at 441, the next row Record ID is 22 then 94, do I need to remove the Record ID Column to import the file? I am having trouble finding documentation on the import process from a Epesi exported .csv file
"Record ID","Company Name","Short Name",Phone,Fax,Email,"Web address",Group,Permission,"Address