If I properly recall it means that your server doesn't allow to change some rules in the local .htaccess files.
Procedure taken here is:
1. create file data/test.php that prints "OK"
print("OK"); ?>
2. copy
htaccess.txt to
3. Try to download
data/test.php over the network.
If everything is ok, then "OK" should be downloaded, but your server may return some error if you can't override some settings.
It's that situation, what you've got.
Fix instructions
1. Copy htaccess.txt to data/.htaccess. Create the same test file, and open it in your browser <epesi url>/data/test.php
See what you've got.
2. Adjust .htaccess file to make it working.
3. Copy this .htaccess to the main EPESI directory.
For security reason it's important to disable indexes with Options -Indexes. Magic quotes should be disabled by default as it's a deprecated feature.
Last directive should be
<IfModule mod_alias.c>
RedirectMatch 404 /\\.svn(/|$)
RedirectMatch 404 /\\.git(/|$)
I see that it's been shown malformed due to not quoted charactes. This rules are not required when yours installation is a standard release installation. It's required to hide versioning files and dirs for developers and other installations maintaned with the versioning.
Continue with installation. After installation just follow my instructions above.