Mobile Contracts
we need a module will allow us to create mobile contracts for businesses(companies)
mobile module for rates,and details for the mobile and the current contract details.
duplicate protection for serial no and imei no and mobile no etc
Reminder settings
Rates details
Savings calculations compare with current rates
commission module that where supplier payments will be kept and shared the % with users based on admins set amounts ,
bonus settings like if 100 contract done in a week for the supplier X the commission share will be from 15% to 20%
if 100 contract done in a week in general the share will be 10%
if 100 contract done in a week with the contract rate minimum 0.9 and over commission share % for those only will be 30%
so it would show in Finance Report page
we really need this so if you can give a quote as well pls do . thnx