Hi Adam,
thanks for the info. As I cannot access the server via FTP from outside, can you tell me, how such a logfile is called. Whenever I try to enter http://mydomain.at/data/CRM_Roundcube/Logs, I get "404 Not Found" but when I just enter http://mydomain.at/data/CRM_Roundcube/, the directory CRM-Roundcube can be found. Do I have to enable log additionally? And when, can you tell me, how the log-files are called, so that I can adress them directly via web-browser? Thanks a log.
Second thing. I was setting up the email-accounts for each user. I did this, when I logged into the system as the respective user. When I tried to open rouncube, I get the epesi logo turning but that's all. Roundcube is not loaded. When I enter the "Acitivities Overview" I see, that my E-Mailaccount was added and that at my status, my "Administrator"-username is enterd correctly.
At the other email-accounts, there is the message "Access limited". What does that mean? Where do I change this and is that the cause, that the email-accounts of the other users cannot be loaded? (see screenshot attached)
Thanks for your help,
Greetz, Hannes