Od włączenia indeksowania codziennie zdarza się jeden błąd. Wygląda, że inny za każdym razem ale w tym samym czasie:
2014-09-10 04:30
message=mysqlt error: [1317: Query execution was interrupted] in EXECUTE("SELECT m.*,u.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.follow=0 AND m.alert_on+INTERVAL 4 minute <'2014-09-10 04:30:02'")
error file=/home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php
error line=77
error backtrace:
[PHP core called function]
function called: handle_epesi_error(256, "mysqlt error: [1317: Query execution was interrupted] in EXECUTE(\"SELECT m.*,u.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.follow=0 AND m.alert_on+INTERVAL 4 minute <'2014-09-10 04:30:02'\")
", "/home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php", 77, Array ("mysqlt", "EXECUTE", 1317, "Query execution was interrupted", "SELECT m.*,u.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.follow=0 AND m.alert_on+INTERVAL 4 minute <'2014-09-10 04:30:02'", false, Object (ADODB_mysqlt), "SELECT m.*,u.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.follow=0 AND m.alert_on+INTERVAL 4 minute <'2014-09-10 04:30:02'", false, "mysqlt error: [1317: Query execution was interrupted] in EXECUTE(\"SELECT m.*,u.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.follow=0 AND m.alert_on+INTERVAL 4 minute <'2014-09-10 04:30:02'\")
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php
line 77
function called: trigger_error("mysqlt error: [1317: Query execution was interrupted] in EXECUTE(\"SELECT m.*,u.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.follow=0 AND m.alert_on+INTERVAL 4 minute <'2014-09-10 04:30:02'\")
", 256)
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1074
function called: ADODB_Error_Handler("mysqlt", "EXECUTE", 1317, "Query execution was interrupted", "SELECT m.*,u.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.follow=0 AND m.alert_on+INTERVAL 4 minute <'2014-09-10 04:30:02'", false, "Object (ADODB_mysqlt)")
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1030
function called: _Execute("SELECT m.*,u.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.follow=0 AND m.alert_on+INTERVAL 4 minute <'2014-09-10 04:30:02'")
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1580
function called: Execute("SELECT m.*,u.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.follow=0 AND m.alert_on+INTERVAL 4 minute <?", Array ("2014-09-10 04:30:02"))
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1417
function called: GetArray("SELECT m.*,u.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.follow=0 AND m.alert_on+INTERVAL 4 minute <?", Array ("2014-09-10 04:30:02"))
[PHP core called function]
function called: GetAll("SELECT m.*,u.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.follow=0 AND m.alert_on+INTERVAL 4 minute <?", Array ("2014-09-10 04:30:02"))
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/include/database.php
line 450
function called: call_user_func_array(Array (Object (ADODB_mysqlt), "GetAll"), Array ("SELECT m.*,u.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.follow=0 AND m.alert_on+INTERVAL 4 minute <?", Array (#1)))
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/modules/Utils/Messenger/MessengerCommon_0.php
line 97
function called: GetAll("SELECT m.*,u.* FROM utils_messenger_message m INNER JOIN utils_messenger_users u ON u.message_id=m.id WHERE u.follow=0 AND m.alert_on+INTERVAL 4 minute <%T", Array (1410316202))
[PHP core called function]
function called: cron2()
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/cron.php
line 63
function called: call_user_func(Array ("Utils_MessengerCommon", "cron2"))
2014-09-11 - 2014-09-12 - bez błędów
2014-09-13 04:30
message=mysqlt error: [2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query] in EXECUTE("SET AUTOCOMMIT=1")
error file=/home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php
error line=77
error backtrace:
[PHP core called function]
function called: handle_epesi_error(256, "mysqlt error: [2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query] in EXECUTE(\"SET AUTOCOMMIT=1\")
", "/home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php", 77, Array ("mysqlt", "EXECUTE", 2013, "Lost connection to MySQL server during query", "SET AUTOCOMMIT=1", false, Object (ADODB_mysqlt), "SET AUTOCOMMIT=1", false, "mysqlt error: [2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query] in EXECUTE(\"SET AUTOCOMMIT=1\")
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php
line 77
function called: trigger_error("mysqlt error: [2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query] in EXECUTE(\"SET AUTOCOMMIT=1\")
", 256)
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1074
function called: ADODB_Error_Handler("mysqlt", "EXECUTE", 2013, "Lost connection to MySQL server during query", "SET AUTOCOMMIT=1", false, "Object (ADODB_mysqlt)")
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1049
function called: _Execute("SET AUTOCOMMIT=1", false)
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/drivers/adodb-mysqlt.inc.php
line 66
function called: Execute("SET AUTOCOMMIT=1")
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 931
function called: CommitTrans()
[PHP core called function]
function called: CompleteTrans()
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/include/database.php
line 316
function called: call_user_func_array(Array (Object (ADODB_mysqlt), "CompleteTrans"), Array ())
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/modules/Utils/RecordBrowser/RecordBrowserCommon_0.php
line 3088
function called: CompleteTrans()
[PHP core called function]
function called: indexer()
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/cron.php
line 63
function called: call_user_func(Array ("Utils_RecordBrowserCommon", "indexer"))
2014-09-14 04:30who=1
message=mysqlt error: [2006: MySQL server has gone away] in ADODB_Error_Handler(SET AUTOCOMMIT=0, )
error file=/home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php
error line=77
error backtrace:
[PHP core called function]
function called: handle_epesi_error(256, "mysqlt error: [2006: MySQL server has gone away] in ADODB_Error_Handler(SET AUTOCOMMIT=0, )
", "/home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php", 77, Array ("mysqlt", "ADODB_Error_Handler", 2006, "MySQL server has gone away", "SET AUTOCOMMIT=0", false, Object (ADODB_mysqlt), "mysqlt error: [2006: MySQL server has gone away] in ADODB_Error_Handler(SET AUTOCOMMIT=0, )
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php
line 77
function called: trigger_error("mysqlt error: [2006: MySQL server has gone away] in ADODB_Error_Handler(SET AUTOCOMMIT=0, )
", 256)
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 257
function called: ADODB_Error_Handler("mysqlt", "ADODB_Error_Handler", 2006, "MySQL server has gone away", "SET AUTOCOMMIT=0", false, "Object (ADODB_mysqlt)")
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1074
function called: ADODB_TransMonitor("mysqlt", "EXECUTE", 2006, "MySQL server has gone away", "SET AUTOCOMMIT=0", false, "\"Object (ADODB_mysqlt)\"")
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1049
function called: _Execute("SET AUTOCOMMIT=0", false)
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/drivers/adodb-mysqlt.inc.php
line 54
function called: Execute("SET AUTOCOMMIT=0")
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 907
function called: BeginTrans()
[PHP core called function]
function called: StartTrans()
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/include/database.php
line 309
function called: call_user_func_array(Array (Object (ADODB_mysqlt), "StartTrans"), Array ())
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/modules/Utils/RecordBrowser/RecordBrowserCommon_0.php
line 3082
function called: StartTrans()
[PHP core called function]
function called: indexer()
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/cron.php
line 63
function called: call_user_func(Array ("Utils_RecordBrowserCommon", "indexer"))
2014-09-14 04:30who=1
message=mysqlt error: [2006: MySQL server has gone away] in EXECUTE("SELECT func,last,running FROM cron ORDER BY last")
error file=/home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php
error line=77
error backtrace:
[PHP core called function]
function called: handle_epesi_error(256, "mysqlt error: [2006: MySQL server has gone away] in EXECUTE(\"SELECT func,last,running FROM cron ORDER BY last\")
", "/home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php", 77, Array ("mysqlt", "EXECUTE", 2006, "MySQL server has gone away", "SELECT func,last,running FROM cron ORDER BY last", false, Object (ADODB_mysqlt), "SELECT func,last,running FROM cron ORDER BY last", false, "mysqlt error: [2006: MySQL server has gone away] in EXECUTE(\"SELECT func,last,running FROM cron ORDER BY last\")
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php
line 77
function called: trigger_error("mysqlt error: [2006: MySQL server has gone away] in EXECUTE(\"SELECT func,last,running FROM cron ORDER BY last\")
", 256)
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1074
function called: ADODB_Error_Handler("mysqlt", "EXECUTE", 2006, "MySQL server has gone away", "SELECT func,last,running FROM cron ORDER BY last", false, "Object (ADODB_mysqlt)")
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1049
function called: _Execute("SELECT func,last,running FROM cron ORDER BY last", false)
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1423
function called: Execute("SELECT func,last,running FROM cron ORDER BY last", null)
[PHP core called function]
function called: GetAssoc("SELECT func,last,running FROM cron ORDER BY last", null)
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/include/database.php
line 460
function called: call_user_func_array(Array (Object (ADODB_mysqlt), "GetAssoc"), Array ("SELECT func,last,running FROM cron ORDER BY last", null))
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/cron.php
line 30
function called: GetAssoc("SELECT func,last,running FROM cron ORDER BY last")
2014-09-15 04:30who=1
message=mysqlt error: [2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query] in ADODB_Error_Handler(SELECT id FROM recordbrowser_words_index WHERE word='5uy' LIMIT 1, )
error file=/home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php
error line=77
error backtrace:
[PHP core called function]
function called: handle_epesi_error(256, "mysqlt error: [2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query] in ADODB_Error_Handler(SELECT id FROM recordbrowser_words_index WHERE word='5uy' LIMIT 1, )
", "/home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php", 77, Array ("mysqlt", "ADODB_Error_Handler", 2013, "Lost connection to MySQL server during query", "SELECT id FROM recordbrowser_words_index WHERE word='5uy' LIMIT 1", false, Object (ADODB_mysqlt), "mysqlt error: [2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query] in ADODB_Error_Handler(SELECT id FROM recordbrowser_words_index WHERE word='5uy' LIMIT 1, )
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php
line 77
function called: trigger_error("mysqlt error: [2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query] in ADODB_Error_Handler(SELECT id FROM recordbrowser_words_index WHERE word='5uy' LIMIT 1, )
", 256)
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 257
function called: ADODB_Error_Handler("mysqlt", "ADODB_Error_Handler", 2013, "Lost connection to MySQL server during query", "SELECT id FROM recordbrowser_words_index WHERE word='5uy' LIMIT 1", false, "Object (ADODB_mysqlt)")
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1074
function called: ADODB_TransMonitor("mysqlt", "EXECUTE", 2013, "Lost connection to MySQL server during query", "SELECT id FROM recordbrowser_words_index WHERE word='5uy' LIMIT 1", false, "\"Object (ADODB_mysqlt)\"")
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php
line 1030
function called: _Execute("SELECT id FROM recordbrowser_words_index WHERE word='5uy' LIMIT 1")
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/drivers/adodb-mysql.inc.php
line 576
function called: Execute("SELECT id FROM recordbrowser_words_index WHERE word=? LIMIT 1", Array ("5uy"))
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/libs/adodb/drivers/adodb-mysql.inc.php
line 241
function called: SelectLimit("SELECT id FROM recordbrowser_words_index WHERE word=?", 1, -1, Array ("5uy"))
[PHP core called function]
function called: GetOne("SELECT id FROM recordbrowser_words_index WHERE word=?", Array ("5uy"))
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/include/database.php
line 480
function called: call_user_func_array(Array (Object (ADODB_mysqlt), "GetOne"), Array ("SELECT id FROM recordbrowser_words_index WHERE word=?", Array (#1)))
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/modules/Utils/RecordBrowser/RecordBrowserCommon_0.php
line 3083
function called: GetOne("SELECT id FROM recordbrowser_words_index WHERE word=%s", Array ("5uy"))
[PHP core called function]
function called: indexer()
File: /home/floeusa/public_html/crm/cron.php
line 63
function called: call_user_func(Array ("Utils_RecordBrowserCommon", "indexer"))