You sholdn't to install Epesi into postgres database. In setup.php, there is a function clean_database(). In DB::MetaTables, Adodb returns set of all tables and Epesi try to drop them. The same problem is is case when you have multiple schemas. I have 44 schemas and Epesi try to drop all tables in all schemas. Solution for me is to disable function clean_database, add a "return" line
function clean_database() {
You should have, of course, an empty schema.
I need to run queries between schemas, for ex. join tables from epesi and another app in different schema, so it's not good idea to have extra database for epesi.
create role crm login password 'somepass';
alter role crm set search_path to crm,public;
create schema crm authorization crm;
and disable clean_database function.
Correct solution is not easy, because Adodb's support for schemas id bad. Function DB::MetaTables should return set of tables in current schema only, not all tables from whole database.