I bet it's a Zone/Province error, because you're using County extension, that depends on Zone field in code. In the newest version you can change the field label and it won't affect PHP code. Earlier it caused some issues, when field has been referenced in the code (as county does).
Now you have to revert the name and use caption to change field's caption to Province.
I had to write a function to rename fields as we haven't one.
Please do the following.
1. Open EPESI shell - <your epesi address>/admin/
2. Open "Run php command"
3. Follow the instruction to enable this tool (do not close FTP or shell, because you should disable this after all)
4. Execute following code (second param must be exactly as it's shown in the field in the RB admin)
function rename_field($tab, $old_name, $new_name)
$id = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_field_id($old_name);
$new_id = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_field_id($new_name);
if (DB::is_postgresql()) {
DB::Execute('ALTER TABLE ' . $tab . '_data_1 RENAME COLUMN f_' . $id . ' TO f_' . $new_id);
} else {
$old_param = DB::GetOne('SELECT param FROM ' . $tab . '_field WHERE field=%s', array($old_name));
$type = DB::GetOne('SELECT type FROM ' . $tab . '_field WHERE field=%s', array($old_name));
DB::RenameColumn($tab . '_data_1', 'f_' . $id, 'f_' . $new_id, Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::actual_db_type($type, $old_param));
DB::Execute('UPDATE ' . $tab . '_field SET field=%s WHERE field=%s', array($new_name, $old_name));
DB::Execute('UPDATE ' . $tab . '_edit_history_data SET field=%s WHERE field=%s', array($new_id, $id));
rename_field('contact', 'Province', 'Zone');
rename_field('company', 'Province', 'Zone');
5. Check in EPESI if it has
Zone label now.
6. Check for the issue with Account Manager
7. Disable EPESI shell
8. Use caption in RB admin panel to change caption to province again.
9. Share your results with me.