At the very end for the installation i am getting this error: What do i have to set in the php.ini file (i did increased the upload and post max limits tho). But for cache i have no clue...
Hide Type: E_ERROR (1) Message: xcache_count(): xcache.admin.user and/or xcache.admin.pass settings is not configured. Make sure you've modified the correct php ini file for your php used in webserver. File: /home/sites/site0/web/crm/include/cache.php Line=58 error backtrace: [PHP core called function] function called: check_for_fatal()
Probably it's our fault. We're using XCache on some of our installation and we've incorporated this code into core, but what happens here is that your server supports xcache, but it's not configured... and we check only for the support. Please edit file include/cache.php and comment out (or remove) lines 57-61
if(function_exists('xcache_clear_cache') && function_exists('xcache_count')) { $count = xcache_count(XC_TYPE_PHP); for($cache_id=0; $cache_id<$count; $cache_id++) xcache_clear_cache(XC_TYPE_PHP,$cache_id); }
Regards, Adam
I uninstalled xcache, which solved the problem.
I editted line 37 and removed 'Xcache' from the drivers array //$drivers = array_merge($drivers, array('Apc', 'Apcu', 'Xcache', 'Zendshm', 'files'));
to $drivers = array_merge($drivers, array('Apc', 'Apcu', 'Zendshm', 'files'));