There are changes with Utils_LeightboxPrompt behaviour from version 1.7.2 to 1.8.0
In 1.7.2 version code:
$rb_obj = Utils_RecordBrowser::$rb_obj;
$lb = $rb_obj->init_module('Utils_LeightboxPrompt');
$form = $rb_obj->init_module('Libs_QuickForm');
$form->addElement('datepicker','id_data','Realisation date:');
$form->addRule('id_data', __('Required'), 'required');
$lb->add_option(null, null, null, $form); //$key, $label, $icon, $form
$rb_obj->display_module($lb,array(__('Realisation date:'),array(),'',false));
displayed Leightbox with only my form (in one step).
From 1.8.0 there are 2 steps:
first displays empty key (not defined by me and unneded), then only my form.
This is pernament change or bug? Should I always define key from 1.8.0?
Best regards