Orlando you can upgrade Epesi to the latest version and preserve notes and files.
If you want to export notes then you can use export function built into Epesi or export directly from the table using database admin tools.
I don't know what you mean by "keychains", but most likely you are referring to the way a particular CRM database is constructed and how tables are linked using foreign keys. If you look at the table that holds notes in Epesi you will find that in addition to a note itself it also has a field that contains links to attached files:

1 - f_title = Field with Title of a note
2 - f_note = Field containing a note. Because we use CK Editor to edit notes, it will be in HTML format.
Exporting notes will be then very straightforward.
Your files attached to notes are stored in different table though and only Epesi knows how to link them:

Link and backref are constructed when a record is created or updated. Epesi does not have a function to export notes with attachments, because we don't know what format to use. How would you like to store files? What is the data structure of a new CRM system or a database?
A task like this is called not export but data migration. When we import data into Epesi from other databases or applications we write custom import routine to properly populate certain tables.
Your problem looks more complicated than it is. There is no need to export and then reimport data into Epesi.
Just upgrade to the latest version. Make sure to make a backup of entire epesi directory and the database before the upgrade. Upload the latest version and overwrite all files and on startup it will run the upgrade.
If you have a problem with the upgrade please let me know. In the worst case scenario I can run the upgrade remotely on your server or setup a copy on my local machine, upgrade and upload upgraded application and data onto your server. I've done recently an upgrade from version 1.1 something, like 10 years old, never upgraded. I had to run through 16 version upgrades, it was time consuming, but all data is there, upgraded.
In your case that should not be a problem. May I ask what version of Epesi you are running?
P.S. RE: Attached : company info page (notes tab in the low part)
There is no attachment.