Hi Adam,
So I installed the Module you have supplied from the Store and worked perfectly. (on a new CRM Install)
Also perhaps a suggestion, When you install a module, can you also download some kind of PDF manual right away when install a new module? because not everyone will know where to go once installed and you have to go to the Forums or website for information.
Also! If I installed a new module, I really would like to know what changed or new features that comes with the module and a manual (pdf document) will be a perfect way to say "you installed the Asterisk Module, here is what you need to do to use it, where to go etc etc etc" because I may be technical with Asterisk but if I am new to the CRM, not a programmer and installed the module, I'll be lost to how to set it up properly in the CRM unless I go to the Forum and even though a forum is great to get information, you shouldn't force people to go there to get some documentation on the module.
Just a Suggestion and I think it will help a lot especially modules like this one where you have to kinda technical to understand what needs to be done.