Yes - it could be the reason. Or your tmp directory is in fact somewhere else. So I suggest to use other session storage service or adjust current.
Go to <epesi_dir>/data/ and edit config.php
You should see something like that at the end:
define('FILE_SESSION_TOKEN','epesi_<long string>_');
You can switch to use database or
memcache to store session data. Memcache must be supported by your hosting. Database will work always.
To use database add in
That's all.
Or you can change FILE_SESSION_DIR to use your data folder of epesi. For instance use data/sessions for that - create sessions folder and forbid access to read files from that with .htaccess (deny from all).
define('FILE_SESSION_DIR','<full epesi dir>/data/sessions'); // e.g /var/www/epesi/data/sessions
Then observe this folder for the files.
PS. Sorry for the lag in the response - I've got some vacations.